Thursday, August 8, 2013

Recent sightings of Baxter?

I am aware that there have been various reported sightings of Baxter since his funeral last month in places such as Albany Mall and Crown Hill Fish and Chip Shop.  As with all the greats such as Elvis and Jim Morrison I think such "sightings" come down to people simply wanting to believe that these great men are still with us.  His body was identified by his ex-wife Ebony Firecracker and with his name tattooed on the knuckles of his hands (with the E and R of Baxter on the little finger due to a miscalculation with letters and fingers) there seems little doubt that he did not, as the rumours are suggesting fake his death for tax purposes.  Unless you know better?  Feel free to take part in the poll opposite.


  1. Definitely dead. Any sightings or matters of financial convenience are surely coincidental. And if a Lazarus moment does occur, who are we to be cynical? - let us embrace miracles when they occur!

    Not a veteran cult musician with ex-wives to otherwise pay for an a tax bill to bring tears to the eye

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Perhaps the authorities mistook Wade for his little known cousin Brian who was said to be the spitting image of Wade if not for the fact that he starts high school next year, is tone deaf and lives in Jakarta?

  4. Now that you mention it, I've seen this weird guy on Takapuna Beach. One moment he was rummaging around with a metal detector, and the next he used it as a mike, singing his heart out. I've noticed the tattooed markings on his knuckles....could it be?
